
Featuring Claus Siebeneicher. More about the t-up AI project at bit.ly/3q1TyeR
Thumbs-up and a friendly smile from a stranger. The beginning of another travel-story: a young British woman. Not a tourist, a working person. At work.

She did, in that moment, everything right. To start with, she felt her own sense of self to be superior, as though she were a grown man. This is partly a myth. She also knew that if she was not a grown woman at work, she was in effect, an extremely young woman and a woman who was in that moment, still making decisions. This woman was in a great need of time. She was a teacher doing what she was doing, and she wanted time at home. But the idea of that time was also, as far as she was concerned, an illusion. It could last a few years or an entire lifetime because she was doing something. She was very happy, to the extent of being entirely, entirely satisfied.

She was at work; now she was in the home; now she was a mother; now she was an artist.

What she was doing that day, in that hour, when she saw that friend in the lift, was that she was going to get married.

#DSGVO #GDPR #TheEndOf #Street-photography #InvestinArt #NFT #Licenze #ThumbsUp #IA #FreedomSociety #CST #opensea #EuropasFarben #happypeople #smile #experiment #apple #surreal