
Featuring Claus Siebeneicher. More about the t-up AI project at bit.ly/3q1TyeR
Thumbs-up and a friendly smile from a stranger. The beginning of another travel-story: I’ve taken my brother out for a long-ass walk on a beautiful, sun-kissed, autumn-themed day at the edge of a quiet beach in the Pacific Northwest. This particular afternoon, we got off the car and walked down to the water’s edge. The sun was blazing bright on the golden sand. Off in the distance, the city of Seattle was visible through the trees. We walked slowly toward the water, following footprints into the water. As you do on summer mornings, there were thousands of people who had come out to watch an activity take place that day. A pair of large footprints were marked by a human body. I pointed to my brother and pointed to the beach and to the trees; I didn’t believe him. I wanted to believe him.

My twin had been left behind this particular afternoon!

A family had taken off in a rental car, leaving their young son behind in the back of the car. It had been raining a lot, and the rental car had blown a tire. The wind was whipping across the parking lot and through the streets. The father drove quickly while the mother called…
#DSGVO #GDPR #TheEndOf #Street-photography #InvestinArt #NFT #Licenze #ThumbsUp #IA #FreedomSociety #CST #opensea #EuropasFarben #happypeople #smile #experiment #apple #surreal