
Featuring Claus Siebeneicher. More about the t-up AI project at bit.ly/3q1TyeR
Thumbs-up and a friendly smile from a stranger. The beginning of another travel-story: a quick cruise-boat ride across a sparkling blue lake, a pleasant, uneventful crossing, a quick stop at a friendly tourist information office. We were on a bus headed all the way to the capital cities of China, but we took a detour to see the famous Ba River. The journey from the village that we were in began through dense pine forests, passing beneath a huge stone bridge that allowed the river to roar through its gorge, and then after what seemed like eternity, a bridge that opened onto the next river junction. We took a tour through this valley, passing under another huge bridge, and then entering the town of Shijiazhuang, where other bridges opened onto the main road. It was a quick little boat ride, and after a few minutes there was the same kind of pleasantness and familiarity as we had experienced on the boat between the small cities of our home countries. We would continue along the main road, now with another small bridge and then down a long road that cut through dense forest. It was the same kind of ride from city to city that we had seen in the city of our home country….
#DSGVO #GDPR #TheEndOf #Street-photography #InvestinArt #NFT #Licenze #ThumbsUp #IA #FreedomSociety #CST #opensea #EuropasFarben #happypeople #smile #experiment #apple #surreal