
Featuring Claus Siebeneicher. More about the t-up AI project at bit.ly/3q1TyeR
Thumbs-up and a friendly smile from a stranger. The beginning of another travel-story: A girl in London finds her new apartment and decides it’s about to be empty all of a sudden!

We’re back, and it’s the weekend.

So, the last thing you expect is to be going around London to find a spare room, and all the while the internet is full of pictures of young, naked bodies everywhere. Oh well.

You’re supposed to be in the process of getting off work and moving into a new flat, but it’s taking a week for you to arrive. Just after you get off work, you notice your street has been completely plastered with your neighbour’s (still naked) sister.

You head home and do almost two more rounds of the internet (on my laptop). Then you realise your apartment is full of her nakedness.

A few people have sent good advice on how to cope with this – a quick search on Facebook suggests the one thing which can turn this from a bad experience into a good one.

I like the idea of using the internet to teach young people not to use the internet to learn. But sometimes that’s the most I…
#DSGVO #GDPR #TheEndOf #Street-photography #InvestinArt #NFT #Licenze #ThumbsUp #IA #FreedomSociety #CST #opensea #EuropasFarben #happypeople #smile #experiment #apple #surreal