
Featuring Claus Siebeneicher. More about the t-up AI project at bit.ly/3q1TyeR
Thumbs-up and a friendly smile from a stranger. The beginning of another travel-story: My wife was driving me to a friend’s house yesterday, and we saw a big, red sign that said “Weebee House & Museum.” The word “weebee” just seemed to stick in my head. A quick google reveals that, as far as I am aware, the museum is only open on Tuesdays from 12–4. The sign said there is no admission fee, which my wife and I thought was probably the case. And that it is open daily between the hours of 8–5.

Upon arrival, we wandered through the rooms, which are bright, colorful and whimsical. There are little stuffed squirrels, owls, monkeys, turtles, parrots, turtles with fish and snakes with tiny humans that look a bit like cats.

Then we went along a “living room,” which is essentially a wall of trees. I’m pretty sure my wife is a tree squirrel. She came at this section by about three feet.

After this, we went to the “dining room.” It also had a…
#DSGVO #GDPR #TheEndOf #Street-photography #InvestinArt #NFT #Licenze #ThumbsUp #IA #FreedomSociety #CST #opensea #EuropasFarben #happypeople #smile #experiment #apple #surreal